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Business cybersecurity

Protect your corporate data, systems and networks from ransomware and other serious cyber threats. ELBO's robust, multi-layered IT security strategies reduce your business's digital risk exposure.

Small business? Big Cyberattack Target.

There's a dangerous misconception that cybercriminals only direct their attacks at large corporations. The truth? Small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) having fewer financial resources to dedicate to security staffing than big companies, along with an often lower level of awareness of the threat environment, makes SMBs irresistible low-hanging fruit. Over 80 percent of all phishing attacks - the most common form of social engineering attack, which is how most successful data breaches begin - are aimed at small businesses.

security isn't an outlay, it's an investment 

It's Risk Management 101: Accept no unnecessary risk, and anticipate and manage your exposure to risk through informed planning.  Cyber attacks are already being made against your business. Without investment in a robust security strategy that is mapped out and executed by an experienced team, your company being successfully breached or compromised is not a matter of if - it's a matter of when. 


The odds are grim. Security research has found a 50 percent increase in overall attacks against corporate networks per week last year compared to the year before. Four out of every 10 small businesses have become the victim of cyberattacks in the last 12 months.


A data breach costs businesses an average of almost $3 million per incident. Sixty percent of SMBs that fall victim to a cyber attack or data breach will close their doors for good within the following six months. Budgeting for cyber protection is the smart business play when the alternative is a huge unexpected outlay to recover from an unplanned interruption.

ELBO's comprehensive cybersecurity strategies better protect your business against the devastating impact of a major breach or cyberattack

"Set It & Forget It" Anti-Virus Isn't Enough

IT support and service providers who set companies up with anti-malware tools and claim that their business is safe do a dangerous disservice to their clients. Viruses and malware are only a piece of the cybersecurity puzzle. The whole picture is far more complex. No business today can afford not to solve for the full range of cyber threats.


Assessing and maintaining security within your corporate environment requires the integration of a solid technology stack (the tools, applications and technology services your company runs on), employee best practices, and reliable professional security services that include cybersecurity assessments,​ vulnerability management, employee cybersecurity training, and other essential deliverables.


The necessity of this multi-faceted approach to security reflects a sprawling and constantly evolving landscape of attack types, attack surfaces, and attack vectors. Keeping track of it all is beyond the realistic capacity of a small business's staff - even one with a dedicated, full-time IT person - and even outside the scope of many managed IT service providers. 


A Comprehensive Cybersecurity Strategy

Defending your business networks, devices and data against unauthorized access or criminal use, and preserving the availability, integrity and confidentiality of information, protects your company from the theft of your time, productivity, and financial resources via vulnerabilities in your technology and the people who use it. 


The best security software tool is only as strong as the team managing it, and the best security protocol only as effective as the overarching strategy guiding its implementation.


For the last 25 years, ELBO Computing Resources has been helping small to mid-sized businesses in Sioux Falls and surrounding cities like Harrisburg, Brandon, Tea, Canton and Hartford stay safe from the dangers of cyber attacks and data breaches as the regional business community's most trusted B2B technology support and services provider.


Call us at 605-361-3720 to schedule an initial business cybersecurity assessment today. 

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